Case Studies

We are always looking for more applications for microfluidic systems and ways our mp6 micropump can improve a process. In combination with our general microfluidics expertise, this results in many case studies that we are happy to share with our customers and partners.

On this page you will find all the Case Studies that Bartels experts have worked on so far. They show a wide variety of different options how microfluidics can be used. They feature our mp6 micropump in addition to our electronics, other components and our partners’ parts.

Are you looking for Point-of-Care applications to fight MRSA and COVID-19? Or are you interested in how a micropump, some sensors and a toothbrush can revolutionize predictive medicine? Or you want to head into space, safely thanks to a brain fluid pressure device? Then also have a look at the microfluidicSolutionMaker section on our website. Here, we not only focus on theoretical case studies but additionally show you videos and customer examples of microfluidic solutions.

Our case studies offer you an in-depth view into the workings for microfluidic systems. If you want to stay in the loop and be informed when a new case study drops, just follow us on LinkedIn. Here, we will publish all new case studies alongside a wide variety of other content surrounding our world of microfluidics. Check it out!

Many of our case studies are accompanied by a video that shows you what the system built in the case study looks like in action. Head over to our YouTube channel to find them.

The case studies also mention a lot of our products and partner components. If you want to learn more about them, you can head over to the microComponents section of our website. We have listed all products that are currently in our portfolio there and added the data needed for you to make an informed buying decision. You still have questions? Then just ask us.

We will be on company holidays from December 23, 2024, to January 1, 2025. Please place orders by December 18. We’ll resume operations on January 2.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!

Please have a look at our new product line here:

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