Find out more about pioneering innovations and customized solutions in collaboration with GENSPEED.
Discover how our Lab-On-A-Chip application example is revolutionizing the diagnostics industry.
Click on the links to delve deeper into these exciting customer projects and actively shape the future of diagnostics.
Welcome to a world where precision meets innovation!
Our customized solutions set new standards in the fields of high-throughput screening, cell cultivation and liquid handling systems.
Dive into the details of our pioneering application examples, which are further explained via the links below.
Discover how precision and efficiency through our technologies overcome the limitations of conventional methods and take pharmaceutical research and development to a new level.
Welcome to a future where microfluidic innovation plays a key role in advancing the pharmaceutical industry.
Immerse yourself in a world of innovative solutions in which precision and efficiency play a key role.
Click on the link to find out more about the revolutionary application of our technologies in collaboration with Softhale.
Find out how we are setting new standards together and shaping the future of pharmaceutical research and development.
Welcome to an era where microfluidic innovation is paving the way for groundbreaking advances in the pharmaceutical industry.
Learn more about the transformative power of our technologies in the environmental sector, and delve into our Redox Flow application example via the link.
Find out how microfluidic systems are helping to create innovative solutions for environmentally friendly energy storage.
Welcome to a world where precision and sustainability go hand in hand.
Immerse yourself in the future of precision and efficiency as we show you how we set the highest quality standards through the customer project with Kühner AG and an application example in the food and beverage industry.
Use the links to discover how our technologies form the basis for reliable quality control and optimize processes at the same time.
Welcome to a world in which microfluidics plays the key role for flawless quality.
Find out how we are revolutionizing air quality and occupational safety through precise technologies.
Discover how our innovations are being used in airport security screening to usher in a new era of safety.
Use the links to dive deeper into our application examples and understand how microfluidics is laying the foundations for advanced security solutions.
Welcome to a world where precision and efficiency are key to a secure future.
Discover the future of the energy industry through our innovative microfluidic systems, which are finding groundbreaking applications in fuel cells.
Immerse yourself in a world where precision and efficiency form the basis for sustainable energy solutions.
Learn more about the transformative power of our technologies and how they are revolutionizing the efficiency and performance of fuel cells.
Welcome to an era where microfluidics plays the key role for the next generation of energy solutions.
Find out how we use precision and innovation in collaboration with Kühner AG to create individual solutions that set the highest standards in process control.
Dive into another application example, this time from the semiconductor industry, and discover how microfluidics forms the basis for advanced process monitoring.
Use the links to dive deeper into our customer projects and application examples.
Welcome to a world where microfluidics plays the key role for precise and efficient process control.
Please have a look at our new product line here:
Do you have any questions about one of our products or services?
Call the telephone number shown, or click on the number to call us directly.