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Bistable Valve Kit Memetis


  • 1x mp-valvedriverM
  • 1x Bistable Valve 2/2-Way with Media Seperation by Memetis
    including Fluidic Connectors, Screws, Nuts and O-rings
  • Cable for the connection to the mp-Multiboard2
  • power supply

Delivery time: 6 weeks

Euro (€) - EUR
  • Euro (€) - EUR
  • United States dollar ($) - USD
SKU: BM-S-0015 Category:


Bistable Valve Kit Memetis

This kit is a collaboration with our partner memetis, combining their valve with our driver electronics for it to be used with the Multiboard2 environment.

You need active valves for your microfluidic system? Our Bistable Valve Kit Memetis provides you with

  • one Bistable Valve 2/2-Way with Media Seperation by Memetis
  • the necessary driver electronics for fast and easy application
  • and the wiring to properly connect the valve to the mp-Multiboard2.

Memetis’ ultra-compact 2/2-way valve is based on a shape memory alloy and switches at very low power consumption. Its media separation makes it perfect for life science fluidics and other small but complex fluidic applications.

The Bistable Valve Kit Memetis is also integrated in the Mutliboard environment and can be used without great difficulty. So, the valves can be switched in the Multiboad software simply by mouse click or in own projects with a microcontroller automated and digitally controlled.

If you want to expand your system, this is easily done. With this set you have everything you need to actively switch Memetis valves. You need more microfluidic components? You can find an overview of all available components from our partners on our website – to sensors, valves or microfluidic chips.


Data sheets

Click to download mp6 Accessories Catalogue.