Cell Culturing Kit


  • 1x mp-Multiboard2 Evaluation Board
  • 1x mp-Lowdriver Pump Driver
  • 1x Flow Control Software
  • 3x The Bartels Pump | BP7 – Tubing
  • 1x mp-damper
  • 1x SLF3S-0600F Flow Sensor by Sensirion including mp-damper Pulsation Damper
  • 1x Rhombic Chamber Chip 131 by Microfluidic ChipShop
  • 1x Microfluidic Chip Connectors by Microfluidic Chip Shop
    Packaging Unit: 10 pcs.
  • 1x Microfluidic Chip Plugs by Microfluidic ChipShop
    Packaging Unit: 10 pcs.
  • 1m mp-s Tubing
  • 1x mp-hc – Micro Hose Clamps
    Packaging Unit 10 pcs.

Delivery time: 3 - 4 weeks

SKU: BM-S-0001 Category:


Cell Culturing Kit – for your easy access

Kit Contents

This Cell culturing kit includes all the components needed to set up a microfluidic system for cell handling. We provide you with the necessary microfluidic components, electronics and software. That way, you only need to add your cells and feeding medium to get started with your cell culturing process.

  • 1x mp-Multiboard2 Evaluation Board
  • 1x mp-Lowdriver Pump Driver
  • 1x Flow Control Software
  • 3x The Bartels Pump | BP7 – Tubing
  • 1x mp-damper
  • 1x SLF3S-0600F Flow Sensor by Sensirion including mp-damper Pulsation Damper
  • 1x Rhombic Chamber Chip 131 by Microfluidic ChipShop
  • 1x Microfluidic Chip Connectors by Microfluidic Chip Shop
    Packaging Unit: 10 pcs.
  • 1x Microfluidic Chip Plugs by Microfluidic ChipShop
    Packaging Unit: 10 pcs.
  • 1m mp-s Tubing
  • 1x mp-hc – Micro Hose Clamps
    Packaging Unit 10 pcs.


As cells are living systems and can belong to bigger and more complex systems (i.e. organs), it is crucial that the circumstances in cell culture applications are as close to the real conditions as possible. Within the body, cells are constantly provided with feeding medium (i.e. blood). A microfluidic approach to cell handling is optimal for high throughput applications:

  • The system requires minimal space and energy.
  • The whole process is efficient and allows for minimal use and wastage of reagents due to the small channel size.

This kit offers opportunities in perfusing microfluidic bioreactors culturing cells at stable and very low flow rates (down to 5 µl/min). It is possible to dose in one direction exchanging the whole feeding medium or in a closed-loop utilizing the same medium all over the culturing process. The second option is beneficial for some cell behaviours, such as some stem cells. They would die in case of a complete feeding medium exchange.

Especially adherent cells work very well in these microfluidic bioreactors as this type of cells would remain in the chamber (self-organized). The pumping principle and measurement principle of the flow rate sensor do not have an impact of the cell’s performance. Additionally, the microfluidic chip as a microbioreactor offers the opportunity for high throughput application due to its geometrical characteristics. This makes scalability and parallelisation very easy. As this setup is a closed system, humidity in an incubator is not necessary and evaporation does not play a very big role. Therefore, simple incubators only regulating temperatures can be used.

Further information

You can read more about cell culturing and why a microfluidic approach is favourable compared to a manual approach on our website. Or you might want to check out our video about cell culturing featuring our very own Regulation software add-on which you are also purchasing with this kit

Data sheets

Click to download relevant

Data Sheets for software,

Data Sheets for electronics,

Data Sheets for accessories and

Data Sheet for micropumps.

Additional information before purchase

Please note that the right of withdrawal expires with the purchase of the software. For this we would like to refer you to the document “change of the right of withdrawal “, which we require filled out and signed at the time of purchase.