Robotics is one of the fastest-growing fields of technology. Areas such as motor technology, hydraulics and pneumatics, improved image processing and also artificial intelligence (AI) have contributed to this. Robotic systems have become increasingly powerful and smaller in recent years.
Our mp6 micropump can build up significant pressures – by pumping gases or liquids. This makes it an important building block in this development. The mp6 micropump can easily be added to existing or newly built systems. Head over to the micropump page to learn more or download the data sheet of the mp6 series.
Looking at the field of soft robotics is particularly exciting. This field takes a look at the use of flexible materials that can change shape by applying pressure from within. Soft robotics uses biologically inspired technologies. This focuses on soft, organic structures and mimicking motion sequences from animate nature rather than rigid materials and unyielding motion. Since nature always comes up with the best ideas, soft robotics focuses on this approach to further grow and develop.
In this field of robotics, the flat design and compact control of our mp6 micropump opens up the possibility to realize actuator functions in small to very small dimensions. In any case, this is a promising field of robotics, which the Bartels experts will keep an eye on.
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We will be on company holidays from December 23, 2024, to January 1, 2025. Please place orders by December 18. We’ll resume operations on January 2. ❄ Wishing you a wonderful holiday season! ❄