What is microfluidics?

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By now, you should realize that we are all about microfluidics here at Bartels. We develop and produce our own microfluidic components, do research in the field of microfluidic innovations, and give presentations about how to implement microfluidic equipment in your application. And we have been doing that for almost 26 years now. So, we know what we are talking about. But, what exactly is microfluidics?

What is microfluidics

The word “microfluidics” consists of two parts: micro and fluidics. Micro stands for something that is very small or one millionth of something. Fluidics refers to the branch of engineering that constructs devices that use the flow and pressure of a fluid (liquid or gas) in circuits. Together, this means that microfluidic systems transport, mix, separate or otherwise process fluids.

Microfluidics is used in drug delivery, manufacturing, diagnostics, pharma and life science – among so many other fields. The options are almost endless since you can use a microfluidic system pretty much anywhere where you need to move small amounts of liquids from one place to another. You want to learn more? Then you can read how we use our components in Point-of-Care Testing (POCT), to measure the brain fluid pressure, in predictive medicine or in a lab with gas sensors.

Microfluidic components and systems are developed by a variety of different people. In order to build something new, you need engineers, physicists, chemists, biochemists, engineers in nanotechnology and biotechnology, and many more. All this expertise combined results in innovations and new ways of thinking that are crucial to further the field of microfluidics. You can read what some members of the Bartels team say about their work and background on our career page.

The history of microfluidics is surprisingly long. It all started in the 1950s with inkjet printing. In the 1970s, the first miniaturized gas chromatograph on a silicon wafer was developed. A decade later, the first micropumps and microvalves based on silicon micro-machining were available. This laid the foundation for the microfluidic industry we know today.

The current state of the industry shows that microfluidics is and will continue to be relevant. The microfluidic products market has been and keeps on growing constantly – worldwide and across industries. We are really excited to see what the future will bring.

The future is microfluidic because the systems are efficient and reliable, convenient and portable, and cost-effective. And Bartels Mikrotechnik is here to help you find your way. We are your microfluidicSolutionMaker.

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